New Year, New Beginnings from Rebecca Flood
It is quite the cliché to speak about new beginnings as we turn our calendars over to a new year. But clichés become clichés for a reason, and this year, it is especially apropos. Today, January 2nd, 2018, I am thrilled to join Ashley Addiction Treatment in the role of president and CEO.
For me, working at Ashley is like coming home in many ways. I got treatment in Bel Air, Maryland at a place called Hidden Brook (which no longer exists) and had the good fortune to meet Father Joseph Martin, who was a guest lecturer there many times. He impressed me with his quick wit, he touched me personally with his kind mentorship, and he made an indelible impression with the easy way he touched so many hearts. As a member of the Ashley family, you also have been influenced by Father Martin – even if you’ve never met him.
Additionally, I lived in Maryland for many years and my family’s home church is Saint Mary Anne’s in northeast Maryland, which is also where I attended my first AA meeting after treatment. A meeting that was held on a Thursday evening and which still exists today. The church is where folks will be able to find me on Sunday mornings if they need me.
Am I excited to take on this new role? Absolutely. Am I blessed to be able to carry on the ideals brought to light by this iconic figure in the crusade to have more individuals and families find their path to recovery than ever before? Even more so.
So for me, life has come full circle and this seems to be the right place for my next and final chapter of my professional life, since it was so much a part of the beginning.
I could not be more delighted to begin this new journey, and to share it with the many alumni, family members, donors and other supporters that make what we do here possible. I believe with my whole heart that we do “everything for recovery because recovery is everything.”
With peace, joy and warmest wishes for a wonderful New Year,
Rebecca J. Flood
President & CEO
Clinically Speaking
Month 1 – Step 1
January represents our kickoff of a year-long series of articles focusing on the 12-steps. We’ll take one step per month and share some insights and experiences to help others with their program, as well as those working with sponsees.
A “good program” starts, of course, with a good Step 1 – nothing else can happen if we haven’t first established the foundation of our recovery by identifying and admitting the problem. A good first step can make or break the recovery process.
“We admitted we were powerless over alcohol / our addiction – that our lives had become unmanageable.”
Many of us, especially those in early recovery, struggle with the concept of “unmanageability.” If we’re holding down a job, have money in the bank, surely that means we’re managing. Often it requires a significant emotional event, a situation that we can’t “talk or pay” our way out of, to break through and create a shift in thinking, allowing us to recognize that our lives had truly become unmanageable.
One effective approach to a thorough “Step 1” is to write a brief autobiography of ourselves, highlighting significant events and relationships and how these may have influenced our addictive behavior. If we consider these chronologically, from our childhood, through our teen years, and on to our adulthood, we can often see things in perspective and recognize how they shaped the person we became, both in active addiction and in recovery.
Check out “A Good First Step,” by Richard A. Hamel, MS. This is a wonderful workbook that helps take the guesswork out of out of what a thorough First Step entails.
There is no “correct” or “proper” way to work the steps. Different sponsors may take different approaches. The key is to find a way that works best for you and leads to long-term, healthy sobriety!
Next month: Step 2 – Restoring us to sanity!
Our first major fundraising event of the year is fast approaching. On February 22nd, 2018, come join us for our 4th Annual DC Gala hosted by the Ashley Washington DC Leadership Council, held at the beautiful DC Four Seasons Hotel.
This year’s event will feature a private reception with the Leadership Council and Ashley executive staff, and a sumptuous, full course seated dinner. Proceeds will benefit the new Women’s Solarium at Ashley!
Women face different challenges during their treatment experience, and the Women’s Solarium will help meet many of those needs. For more information about the Women’s Solarium, click here.
Our event will be emceed by award-winning author, Susan Cheever and will include our public introduction of new Ashley President & CEO, Rebecca J. Flood. In addition, we will honor philanthropist and friend of Ashley, Ginny Grenham.
Don’t miss this special annual event – sponsorships and tickets are still available! For more information, {click here}.
The Alumni Connection
Ashley Everywhere! The real battleground in the fight against addiction is in our communities. Information and resources can be sparse or non-existent in many areas and too often, people don’t know where to turn. Ashley is committed to outreach in these areas where help is needed most, to provide knowledge and understanding of the disease, to overcome societal stigma, and to help break down barriers to treatment.
One crucial component of our outreach effort is our Strengthening Our Recovery (SOR) speaker series. In 2017, we held presentations in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Wilmington, New York City, Washington, DC, northern Virginia, Annapolis, and many others, with topics ranging from the Opioid Crisis, to Recovery and the Family, and everything in between. Presenters have included Ashley counselors and clinicians, physicians, psychologists, and more.
These efforts continue into January, with a SOR event in Annapolis on January 10th. Join us at St. Phillips Church on Bestgate Road at 6:30pm for an interactive discussion about Romances, Finances, and Resentments: Early Recovery Pitfalls.
On January 24th, we’ll be in the Washington DC region exploring Healthy Relationships in Recovery. Come see us at All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, MD.
In addition, Recovery Enrichment Day (RED) is back! RED workshops are designed to help you gain more skills for your recovery and are for those in all stages of recovery, spouses, and family members. You do not need to be an Ashley Alumni to attend, all are welcome! Join us on Saturday, January 20th for an interactive presentation entitled, Connect. Release. Rejoice!! A revolutionary approach to recovery through mindfulness movement! We will look at many easy to perform Pilates exercises with the intention of expanding our awareness of the tension in our muscles. When the mind “chatter” quiets and muscular tension is released, there is an ability to connect to a peace within.
SOR events are free of charge. Registration is required for RED events, so please visit our website here for information on these and all of our programs and activities.
We hope to see you out there!