As is well documented in recent years, America has been dealing with a prescription drug problem. As a result of becoming increasingly aware of the ways that prescription medications can be over-prescribed, illicitly obtained, and abused, the Drug Enforcement Administration has come up with a worthwhile effort to help curb the problem. The agency is aiming to engage citizens to make a contribution that can help saves lives.

Twice annually the DEA promotes the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. October 26, 2019 marks the second such event this year, with a goal of collecting about 450 tons of unused or expired medications at over 5,000 disposal sites across the country. To date, through these collection and disposal efforts, the DEA has removed nearly 12 million pounds of prescription drugs from circulation.

The reason for this effort is clear, and that is to save lives. Leftover prescription medications too often find their way onto the streets, as they can be stolen out of medicine cabinets and then resold. Unused medications pose risks for seniors who might become confused and accidentally consume the wrong medication. The opioid medications can quickly lead to addiction. Suicide risk is also heightened with prescription drugs when available for emotionally distressed individuals to potentially access.

As a Maryland substance use treatment provider, it is an exciting event to get behind and support. All citizens are encouraged to gather up unused or expired prescription drugs and deliver them to any one of the dozens of receptacle sites in the state. Become informed here:

  • Play this DEA Take Back Day PSA
  • Read the โ€œDisposal Actโ€ of 2014
  • Find a collection site anywhere in the country by clicking here
  • Share about the Prescription Drug Take Back Day with friends and family by forwarding this blog.

According to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 18 million Americans admitted to misusing prescription medications. All of us can actively become involved as part of the solution to this serious prescription drug epidemic through promoting the DEAโ€™s efforts to get these drugs out of circulation. Please mark the calendar for Saturday, October 26^th^ to dispose of your unwanted or unneeded prescription drugs and help to stem the tide.

Ashley Addiction Treatment is a substance use inpatient treatment provider located in Maryland. We provide evidence-based therapeutic interventions to assist individuals overcome a substance use disorder in a warm, accepting setting. For more information about our program, please contact the Ashley Addiction Treatment team today at 800-799-4673.