No one thing causes a substance use disorder. Likewise, no one thing treats it. An individualized treatment plan considers all of the parts that need to be worked through for lasting recovery. The road to recovery has many components, with each one tailored to the individual’s needs and goals. Working up a solid plan with counselors and addiction professionals is essential for the health of the individual and their recovery, as well as their loved ones who want to support their healing.
How to Use an Individualized Plan
The unique needs of an individual matter when developing a treatment plan. Each person will have their own ideas, perceptions, and thoughts that need to be considered for treatment. Mostly, they need to meet their physical and psychological goals of detox and recovery to move forward. A diagnosis is one part of the picture in using an individualized plan effectively. Being matched with services is essential, along with helping them connect to the therapists and groups offered while in treatment. Every person who checks into inpatient treatment will be evaluated to determine the best course of action moving forward for their substance use disorder.
Benefits to Treatment Plans
People who need individualized treatment plans need to understand the benefits they offer. It may be hard for some people to commit to the process, but it is one that helps if they want to move forward in recovery. Some of the benefits they may experience include:
- Seeing the problem of substance use disorder as more significant than themselves and realizing the value in getting appropriate treatment.
- Managing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual sides of substance use disorder.
- Multiple therapy options are available to accommodate everyone in recovery.
- Anybody who accesses substance use disorder therapy will find what works for them.
- Testing and treating their health issues is vital during the process of trial and error.
- Secure social networks are built around sobriety and recovery rather than substance use disorder.
When a person understands the benefits of an individualized treatment plan, it helps them make an informed decision. It is also essential to understand the pattern most recovery methods take. Substance use disorder recovery takes time and work. It is about trial and error, along with navigating the challenges people have along the way that makes the difference. Being honest and vulnerable helps to ensure the best treatment actions are taken to make the way back to sobriety a rewarding and empowering process.
How Treatment Plans Develop
Although individualized treatment plans vary, each one should address some challenges that include withdrawal, co-occurring disorders, mental and physical health, and aftercare needs. This can be planned to make treatment more effective, but it depends on the individual.
- Medication therapy: this form of treatment is designed for people to help them navigate the myriad ways substance use impacts their life. This may include a replacement for withdrawal treatments and stimulants that help influence the way a person deals with symptoms of recovery early on.
- Addressing physical health concerns. Some people suffering from substance use disorders have neglected or been oblivious to deteriorating physical health, so outlining the concerns a person has and noting these conditions to implement in treatment can improve health. Malnutrition and other problems will be diagnosed and managed to improve health further.
- Mental health therapies are used to treat substance use disorders, and each will be chosen to suit personal needs. If someone cannot break negative patterns on their own, cognitive behavioral therapy can help adjust behaviors positively.
- Including family in a therapy plan is key to getting a person adequate support. The family members that are present for the long term have the opportunity to grow and develop their support and advocacy skills, contributing to the healing process of treatment and beyond.
Motivational interviewing may also be used to boost a person’s desire to quit by giving them something positive to focus on. This includes leaving or finding a job that improves their relationship with their children or any other close family. Community-based methods create a support group, improve relationships, and help them focus on their substance use disorder positively.
Post-Treatment Plan
Developing this plan is a great start, but it has to be implemented well after leaving treatment. It will change and grow with the person, but aftercare should be carefully managed. Aftercare techniques ensure treatment stays with the person and does not go away. Methods are designed to build confidence in sobriety and manage relapse triggers. The person may also learn relaxation techniques to help clear their minds of anxiety and continue the use of prescription medication. A treatment plan outlines how to give the best in care while leaving it to the specific individual to follow through. They have to do the work themselves if they are going to move forward, the key with a plan is to use it and create positive change.
Ashley Addiction Treatment is an innovative treatment program located on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay. Ashley provides support for professionals seeking help with addiction. We are able to help people with co-occurring disorders and offer confidential treatment programs to meet your needs. Please reach out to us today at 800-799-4673.