What better way to show your love and appreciation for the women in your life than by gifting them with a delicious and nutritious Mother’s Day breakfast? There is not a woman alive who would not break into a huge smile when treated to a yummy breakfast on their special day. Not only is this quick and easy breakfast fare beautiful to look at, it also happens to be packed with plenty of nutrition and robust flavor.

Featured Mother’s Day Recipe: Bouquet of Sunny Side up Eggs with Ricotta-Honey Toast & Berries


  • 1 Bell Pepper (or a variety of bell peppers)
  • 3 eggs
  • Salt & pepper
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
  • Fresh parsley
  • 2 slices multi-grain bread
  • 1/3 cup ricotta cheese
  • ½ teaspoon honey plus more for drizzle
  • ¼ cup fresh raspberries  

Cooking Instructions

  1. Slice bell pepper (or 4 different colors) horizontally to make four 1/2-inch-thick rings and remove inner white flesh and seeds.
  2. In 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat vegetable oil on medium. Cook peppers for 2 minutes. Turn peppers over; crack 1 egg into center of each ring. Cook, covered, until eggs have reached desired doneness. Season with 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper.
  3. Toast bread. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix together ricotta and honey. Spread ricotta on bread and top with berries.
  4. Drizzle with more honey and sprinkle with dash of salt.
  5. To serve, garnish eggs with chopped parsley.

Prep: 10min   Cook: 6min   Total: 16min

Keeping it Healthy for Women in Recovery

Prioritizing health is essential for women in recovery. Substance use may have taken a toll on physical health and wellness, but in recovery we have the opportunity to restore vitality and health by making some lifestyle adjustments. While women are hardwired to put everyone else’s needs above their own, it is important to change that order and to place our recovery and health at the top of the to-do list.

Starting a healthy routine is easy and does not cost a penny. Consider these simple steps for improving emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing in recovery:

  • Nutrition. Create a weekly meal plan that centers around lean proteins, whole grains, fresh produce, nuts and seeds, and lots of water. The delicious Mother’s Day breakfast fits the bill perfectly! Here’s how:
  • Instead of cooking the eggs/peppers in butter, use vegetable oil. Swapping vegetable oil for the butter reduces saturated fat. Saturated fats are associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer, so any opportunity to decrease saturated fat in the diet is a positive.
  • Eggs are an important source of protein, vitamins A, D, and B-6, as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and sodium. Eggs can help improve brain health and cognitive functioning and are a source of the good HDL cholesterol.
  • Bell peppers are a rich source of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Peppers are low in fat and calories, have carotenoids that deactivate free radicals, and improve mood with their vitamin B-6 content.
  • Exchanging ricotta for cream cheese is a great way to reduce calories while still benefiting from calcium and protein.
  • Raspberries are packed with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. Raspberries can help reduce the risk of cancer, inflammation, and neurodegenerative disease.
  • Choosing whole wheat bread in place of white bread will provide more fiber, protein, and vitamins. Whole grain bread retains the outer parts of the wheat grain, providing a rich source of fiber for digestive health, reduced blood sugar levels, and reduced LDL cholesterol. The germ also contains healthy polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and protein.
  • By using honey, blood glucose levels will not spike as they normally do with sugar. Honey is not processed as sugar is, so there is higher nutritional value. In addition, honey is lower in calories.
  • Exercise. By adding just 3 or 4, 30-60 minute exercise sessions per week a woman in recovery will notice improvements in energy, muscle tone and flexibility, better mood, improved cognitive functioning, and increased self-confidence.
  • ●      Quality sleep. Sleep deficiency can wreak havoc with our mental and physical health. Women should attempt to get 7-8 hours of solid sleep on a regular basis for optimum wellness, improved mental function, and emotional stability. Establish a regular sleep schedule, avoid heavy meals in the evening, reduce caffeine intake, turn off electronic gadgets an hour before bedtime and try reading instead.
  • Relaxation. Stress is the nemesis of a woman in recovery, as chronic stress and anxiety levels can trigger a relapse. Take steps to incorporate holistic activities into daily life, such as deep-breathing techniques, yoga, or meditation. Treat yourself to a Mother’s Day massage or spa day for enhanced relaxation and pampering!

To all the special women who are mothers, a heartfelt Happy Mother’s Day for all of us at Ashley Addiction Treatment.