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Support Group Meetings – Speaker Guidelines

Thank you for your commitment to the Ashley patient community and sharing your experience, strength and hope! To maintain our standard of excellence, we ask that you carefully review and adhere to the following expectations:
โ€ข When sharing your recovery story, please be mindful that this is not only for your personal recovery but also for the benefit of our patients. Therefore, please only share parts of your story relevant to patients in early recovery.
โ€ข Please do not use profanity or share war stories; remember to focus on a message of recovery through your experience, strength and hope.
โ€ข Please refrain from talking about divisive topics or sharing your personal opinions on matters such as politics.
โ€ข Please be mindful that your journey to recovery is personal and may not be appropriate for everyone. Please be considerate that here at Ashley, we believe in multiple pathways; refraining from language that could be perceived as shaming, specifically regarding medication-supported recovery, is very important.
โ€ข Remember, for some patients, this is the first experience with recovery and the 12 Steps. Be a role model, make a good impression and show them that we have found a solution!
โ€ข If you are unable to follow these guidelines, we will suspend future speaking opportunities.
By signing this document, you confirm that you have read and agree to follow the above guidelines.
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COVID-19 Precautions
I understand that while on Ashley property, I will:
โ€ข Wear a properly-fitted face mask, covering the mouth and nose.
โ€ข Stay at least six feet from others.
โ€ข Practice frequent hand hygiene.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature
Ashley Inc. COVID-19 Vaccination Confirmation
By uploading my COVID-19 vaccine card, I hereby attest that: 1) I meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria for being fully vaccinated*
*According to the CDC, individuals are considered fully vaccinated: Two weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna two-dose vaccination series, OR two weeks after the Johnson & Johnson/Jannsen single-dose vaccination.
Max. file size: 50 MB.